‘Sri Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Sevashrama’
It’s a charitable institution established and registered on 23 January 2014 under Society Registration Act XXI of 1860. Basic purpose of this institution is to serve the society in health and education field. Its base camp is at Guptakashi. It is functioning since August 2013 and helping the flood disaster affected people at Kedarghati area. At present this institution is running 2 charitable dispensaries at Guptakashi and Khonu. It is also running 2 students’ homes at Khonu, Kotma for boys and girls students separately named ‘Vivekananda Chhatravas’ and ‘Gargi Chhatravas’.

a) Dispensary at Guptakashi :- |
It has been serving thousands of patients from surrounding villages with totally free medicines and treatment under the supervision and active participation of Dr. Tulsidasji. It has been conducting many medical camps at nearby villages with the coordination of other NGO i.e. ‘Goonj’, ‘Smile Foundation’, ‘Sadbhavana’ etc. |
b) Dispensary at Khonu :- |
It is serving many poor, needy patients in this remote part of the Himalaya. About 30 patients come daily from 15 nearby villages. Here they get completely free medicines and treatment. |
Medical Services in
Guptakashi and around |
The Medical facility is not at all available in Kedarghati area. Kotma is located 12 Kms from Guptakashi. Guptakashi has small dispensary of State Govt. and Dist Hospital is located in Rudraprayag which is 75 kilometers away from Kotma. The nearest hospital is at Rudraprayag 50 Kms away from Guptakashi. If the patient becomes serious, there is
no ambulance service available to carry the patient from
remote villages i.e. Chaumasi, Chilond, Jalamalla etc. District Hospital at Rudraprayag has also limitations of their own while treating the patients.
During rainy season when Kedarghati area get disconnected due to landslide, there is no hospital for serious patients to admit. We are in urgent need of small Ambulance.
Apart from getting simple treatment to deceased patient, there is
facility for Dental Treatment, Eye check up, simple Blood Test. Considering above situation, Dr Tulsidas has started giving free medical service to these hill patients. He carries medicines himself as there is no vehicle journey possible due to damaged roads. Medicines have been supplied by The Ramakrishna Mission Sevasharama, Haridwar Of course, due to lack of funds, it is difficult to run & maintain this medical activity properly. |
We wish to
expand & sustain following Medical Services:
>To Provide Free Medical Treatment with Free Medicines to interior, hilly area people and pilgrims. |
>To provide simple facility of Blood Test, X-Ray, Dental Treatment, EYE Check up etc, through a small Polyclinic &
Diagnostic center. |
>To provide Homeopathy Treatment |
>To start & maintain a small 5 Beded Hospital exclusively for hilly people. |
>To start & maintain Mobile Dispensary for remotely located hilly people and pilgrim. |
>To start and maintain Ambulance service to transport serious patients to Rudraprayag, Haridwar, Deharadun etc. |
We appeal to all the generous citizens, business houses, corporate to come forward to help us to start & maintain above Medical Facilities for our brethren and become blessed by remembering Swami Vivekananda’s statement..
‘They alone live who live for others, the rest are more dead than alive!’ |
Educational Services: Free Students’ Home |
a) ‘Vivekananda Chhatravas’:- |
This students’ welfare oriented activity started on 11th September 2013 at Khonu, P. O. Kotma. Its purpose is to reduce hilly students’ stress, time and energy and providing them full scope for well study. Generally they would exhaust while climbing up and down hills to come to school. Now these hilly students are receiving free lodging, boarding, coaching facilities with study materials and value education also. Thus efforts are being made to develop their all round personality. At present 20 boys students are admitted. |
b) ‘Gargi Chhatravas’:- |
This student home started on 23 January 2014 especially for hilly girl students at Kabiltha, P. O. Kotma. At present it is situated at Khonu, P. O. Kotma and 20 girls students are admitted for the current session. Here also girl students receive same facilities as mentioned above and their characters are being built through moral education.
Presently Student's Homes are housed in rented accomodations. And we are struggling against the odds of lack of space constraint. We are exploring the options of getting a Land Donation from individual, or from government, of getting a land on lease, or even of buying a land. Your kind support of any kind in this direction will be very much welcome. |
Please click here to know "the students to whom your humble donation goes" |